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A heritage in hemp.


We have always been committed to hemp, learning from it, teaching others about it, and helping the world discover the numerous benefits that are locked in its leaves and flowers.

While it started with a passion for the diverse opportunities that hemp uniquely offers, our journey has led us to discovering that hemp is an amazing source of some of the most impactful wellness ingredients known to man – cannabinoids.

And so began Elixinol’s dedication to research, science, and bringing new innovative products rich in cannabinoids, terpenes, and flavonoids to people in need of real wellness solutions. 

New to CBD?
Don't worry, we're not.


We have the most knowledgeable team dedicated to working on growing, processing, extraction, and formulating cannabinoid products. These people are further bolstered by a team of external experts working every day to understand how cannabinoids work in our bodies and can improve quality of life.

From medical doctors and research scientists to veterinarians in the field; our collective team has more knowledge of hemp, cannabinoids, and the endocannabinoid system than anyone else in the world. 

Leading the industry
before it was an industry


The biggest risk to the hemp plant and the industry are companies entering the market with low quality products that don’t deliver what they promise in order to make a quick buck. It is our belief that the only way to show this plant’s true worth its value to our consumers is by creating products that deliver real results to real people.

We are not here as a response to the latest wellness fad; we’re here to take hemp wellness to the next level and provide you with products you can always rely on, from quality to efficacy. We know that when you find a product that makes you feel like you again, life becomes just that little bit easier. 


Our biggest trade secret
is not having any.

We have the most knowledgeable team dedicated to working on growing, processing, extraction, and formulating cannabinoid products. These people are further bolstered by a team of external experts working every day to understand how cannabinoids work in our bodies and can improve quality of life.

From medical doctors and research scientists to veterinarians in the field; our collective team has more knowledge of hemp, cannabinoids, and the endocannabinoid system than anyone else in the world. 


No chemicals.
No synthetics.
No longer the alternative.

At Elixinol, we know that CBD is just the beginning. Hemp has more than 140 known chemical constituents that have the power to change how we think about health, wellness and even medicine. And we are on the front lines of that research. Our team is not only the leading experts in extraction, processing and formulation, but our ancillary resources are leading the way in the global understanding of cannabinoids.

Collectively, we learn more every day about formulations and formats that could redefine how we interact with cannabinoids, and how these innovations can turn into effective products for our consumers.

CBD Extracts: Natural CBD vs. Synthetic CBD

Natural CBD has been extracted from cannabis plants grown specifically for this purpose. Dr. Christian Jessen talks to us about the difference between Natural CBD vs Synthetic CBD. 

Is CBD legal in the UK?

Yes, certain CBD products are legal in the UK, but how do you know which ones? Dr. Christian Jessen explains all. 

What drugs shouldn’t be taken with CBD?

It is very likely that CBD could interact with some medications. Dr. Christian Jessen explains more. 

Click here to learn more about hemp and CBD at Your Ultimate CBD Guide.

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